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Club Nights 2024

Sunday 1st January New year Gathering & Membership           Renewal. 11.30 am at the Rodney Pub.

Thursday 1st February Quiz Night at the Rodney 7.00pm          

Thursday 7th March Car Run for Fish & Chips.

                               Meet at Cummins 7.00pm


Thursday 4th April Film Night Sandwich Cinema 7.00pm 

                              Bring your own refreshments


Thursday 2nd May Classic car run Leave Cummins at              7.00 pm.


Sunday 2nd June The Great Bucket & Spade Run

Thursday 6th June Classic Car Run. Meet at Ramsgate

                            Boating Pool 7.00pm Sharp.

Thursday 4th July Classic Car Run

                          Leave Cummins at 7.00pm Sharp. 

Thursday 8th August Classic Car Run. Meet at Sandwich

                        Quay at 7.00pm. Buffet Provided


Thursday 5th September Classic Car Run.Leave                                            Sandwich Quay at 7.00pm                    


Thursday 3rd October AGM at the Rodney Pub                                             7.00pm for 7.30 start. Buffet Provided


Thursday 7th November Quiz Night at the  Rodney Pub                      7.00pm


Thursday 5th December Noggin & Natter at the Rodney                     7.00pm Mince Pies provided


Xmas Dinner

To be arranged.

See the Club Facebook Page nearer the time.                 



  Watch our Facebook page for any news on changes to the above Club Nights.



The Rodney Pub is located in Garlinge High Street








All non members attending club nights will be charged £5.00 per meeting


Please check the Club Newsletter for confirmation of the above

events which may be subject to change.

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